Monday, January 12, 2015

Headlines 1/12

The Headlines


 We had a great week back at school and the scholars came ready to learn and focus.  We discussed how this was the beginning of their last semester of elementary school and the rest of our year will be focused on preparing them for their transition to Arete Prep!  They are rising to the occasion and I am proud of how hard they are working.

Math:  Last week we reviewed how to find the area of triangles and spent quite a bit of time finding the base and height of a triangle.  The students were given a short quiz to assess their progress and those will be sent home tonight for corrections.  We will also be discussing this in tutoring tomorrow, so if your child is struggling please be sure they stay tomorrow afternoon from 2:45-3:15.  This week we will move on to areas of parallelogram and multi-dimensional figures. 

Literature:  We began our study of Where the Red Fern Grows last week and are enjoying our discussions.  The kids seem to really identify with the theme.  We also discussed our 100 point project.  This will be the majority of the students grade for this book.  They were given an instruction sheet with various projects they can complete for up to 100 points.  This will be worked on in class as well as at home. 

 Writing:  We have begun looking at conjunctions and how they are used in writing. We will continue to look at these this week and will especially focus on how combining sentences and clauses makes our writing more fluent and interesting.

Science: We continued our study of bones, focusing on vertebrae, the scapula, and the upper body.  We are taking notes on these bones in class and it would be a great idea to begin reviewing these at home in preparation for the test which will be sometime next week.  We also will be studying the different types of joints and how they help our bones move.


History: We are deep into the study of England and The Glorious Revolution.  We are trying our best to keep all the kings and queens straight and how they impacted the people and religion of the time.

Some of you have heard that we will be going on a field trip at the end of the month.  We will be joining Archway Chandler to see a play based on the life of Harriet Tubman performed at the Chandler Center for the Arts.  This will be followed by a picnic in the park.  Each class may take two parent volunteers.  We would love to take more, unfortunately the show is sold out and we are limited in our attendance.  If you would like to join us, please drop me an email.  I will be putting these names in a hat and will be drawing at random in order to keep it fair!
Important Dates:

Friday, Jan. 16th; Friday Jan. 30th: Half Day, dismissal 11:45




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