Monday, January 5, 2015

Headline 1/5/15

The Headlines


I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful winter break. I know I sure enjoyed sleeping in, relaxing with my family and eating way too much yummy food!  That being said, I am ready to see all of the students smiling faces and get back to a routine J


Math:  We started our unit on measurement and we will be continuing next week.  Specifically, we will be learning how to find the areas of various polygons and multi-dimensional shapes.  We will continue to have math tutoring on Tuesdays and I have asked some of you to send your child, if you could please email and let me know if they will be attending I would appreciate it. 


Literature:  Thank you so much for all of your donations to our Hobbit Literature Celebration.  The kids had a great time and it was the perfect way to end the semester.  Our next literature unit will be Where The Red Fern Grows. This is a beautifully written novel and a switch to a more realistic fiction genre.  Please be sure your student brings the book tomorrow, or let me know as soon as possible if you will need to borrow a copy.


 Writing:  I really enjoyed reading all of The Hobbit summary paragraphs, it is evident that our study of well-written and concise summaries has helped the students.  We will continue to practice this skill in class, but this semester we will also be completing a research paper. More details will follow in the next couple of weeks.  We will start looking at how to use conjunctions in our writing this week.


Science: We began our study of The Skeleton before break began and we will continue this week.  Specifically we will talk about bones of the upper body and bone strength.


History:  We will begin our study of The Glorious Revolution.  This is a very interesting unit and we will be learning about lots of different kings and queens and the geography of Great Britain.   We will also continue to add to our state books in preparation for the states and capitols test at the end of the year.




Thank you so much for all of your continued help and support in the classroom.  I felt extremely spoiled after our teacher luncheon and all of your generous gifts.  I am so lucky to be working in such a loving community.


Please take a moment to check with your student to see how they are faring in school supplies.  I have compiled our supplies into class bins and it looks like we are a little low on pencils and (of course!) glue sticks. 


Important Dates:


Wednesday, 12/17: Grammar Test

Friday 1/16; Friday 1/30: Half Days, 11:45 am Release

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