Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Headlines


Your scholars continue to work hard as we take on new concepts and ideas.  Our last week before fall break should be productive and fun!

Math:  We continued our practice of the distributive property and learned how it is used in mental math.  We also began looking at bar models for problem solving.  This will continue next week as we practice multiple ways to solve word problems.

Language Arts: Our literature study of Voyage of the Dawn Treader is going very well.  We discussed personification and characterization and next week will continue with our reading.

Spalding:  Thank you for helping your students with their spelling lists; the kids seem to be getting the hang of breaking words apart using phonograms. Next week the homework will be changing.  Instead of turning it in each night, they will continue to write their words three times on M/W/F and the pretest on Thursday, but will turn all of this in together on Friday.  This counts as a grade, so it is important that it is completed!

Science: We discussed what a cell is and Robert Hooke, the man who discovered them.  This week we will be learning the parts of a cell and their functions.

History: The class did well on their Ancient Civilizations test, those students who received below a C will take their tests home and make corrections.  We started discussing the Renaissance and will continue this week.


I have asked the class to bring in small cans (i.e, canned corn, soup, etc.), I am hoping to use these as a place for students to organize their pens and pencils.   

Mondays I send home purple folders with the students work from the previous week.  These should be signed and returned the following day, and tests should also be signed and returned. Please look over the remainder of your child’s work and then you may keep it at home. 

Parent conferences begin the week after fall break.  I will be sending out a Sign-Up Genius link in the next couple of days with dates and times, so please be on the lookout for that.

Important Dates:


October 3-13: Fall Break

October 14-17: Parent teacher conferences, half days

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