Monday, February 6, 2017

Headlines 2/6/17

Can you believe we are already half way through third quarter? We have already accomplished so much, and continue to work hard.

Last week our class discussed what it means to be a self-advocate and make pro-active choices that encourage our success. To that end, today, we reiterated the importance of completing homework on time, and studying for tests and quizzes. We have had a large amount of late work and students grades are being affected by not turning work in on time.

This might be a good time to check in with your child and make sure they are keeping their work organized, studying for tests and quizzes, and completing their reading logs each night.

Thank you so much for the extra donations of glue sticks and markers; they are very much appreciated!

A Sign-up genius for Great Hearts Day will be coming out soon, so stay on the lookout for that, and don't forget that Friday is a half day!

Have a wonderful week and thank you for all your continued support as we work together to educate your young scholars.

We are enjoying reading The Secret Garden and identifying character traits as we read. We are continuing our study of characters this week.

Students are beginning their explorer reports today. They should have their materials in class each day to research. If you need me to print out resources for your student, please email me the link and I will be happy to help! We will complete outlines on Thursday and Friday. Although we have a timeline of due dates, these may be adjusted to ensure that as the majority work is done in class. We will keep you updated on all due dates as we progress,

We will have our quiz over Roots 62-65 on Wednesday.  Students should study these nightly!

We introduced our new poem, I, Too, by Langston Hughes last week. We will recite these poems on Wednesday, February 22nd.

This week we will continue our study of multiplication and division of decimals and learning to convert fractions into decimals. There are no math groups this week.

This week we will be learning about the different kinds of seeds that develop into angiosperms. There will be a unit test on Friday the 10th. The students will receive a study guide on Monday and should study all plant notes throughout the week.

This week, students will continue to learn about the Age of Exploration. We will be covering Christopher Columbus, Spanish encomiendas and slavery, and Magellan’s voyage around the world. Take note that we will be discussing the slavery of African people during the Age of Exploration this week and next week. Students will continue their study of United States Geography with the Midwest.

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